Allergy Relief Bedding for Pets
Why Allergy Relief Bedding Works
The material used to create allergy relief bedding is special because the space between the threads in the material are small enough that even microscopic organisms and particles cannot penetrate them. This space, or pore size, cannot be any larger than 10 microns in order to repel these microscopic organisms and particles. Most of these covers have zippers so that once your pillow or mattress is zipped up inside the allergy relief bedding, any dust mites inside will die.
There are three types of allergy relief bedding. The first is hot, crinkly and noisy to use because it is made with an impenetrable urethane backing. This type of material is made from membrane fabrics. A second allergy relief fabric is a cotton-polyester blend called Allersoft, and instead of having the urethane backing, this has pores so tight and small that allergens cannot penetrate it. A third allergy relief fabric is made from microfibers. This fabric is soft, tightly woven and breathable.
Cover a Bed
The best way to cover your bed so that your allergy relief bedding works against pet dander is to begin by encasing your box springs. This may seem like overkill but since dust mites, and pet dander can gather there and affect your allergies, it is best to start from the ground up. Next, encase your mattress in a cover made from allergy relief material, and finally your comforter and pillows. Blankets should be replaced with blankets made from hypoallergenic material as well, then washed often to prevent any allergen build-up.
A John Hopkins University study revealed that the allergens and mite population in a home decreased by 90 percent or more a month after allergy relief bedding is used for the first time. When there are less allergens, including pet dander in the air, you will sleep better, making you a more rested person overall.
Expert Insight
Evidence from a medical study done in the Netherlands in 2005 at the Center for Prevention and Health Services Research, National Institute for Public Health and Environment suggests that if a person has a reduced exposure to allergens like pet dander in infancy, that person is less likely to develop serious allergies later in life. So, using allergy relief bedding in your home, especially if you have children, may be one way to prevent them from developing serious allergies later in life.