Natural Remedy For a Pollen Allergy
It may come as a surprise to many, but there are a number of foods that help fight off pollen allergies.
One of the best types of food to consume is fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants. Fruits include apples, pears, kiwi, peaches and cherries. Apples are especially helpful because they cross-react with tree pollen. Some antioxidant rich vegetables include celery, parsley, green, red and yellow peppers and carrots.
Raw nuts are a great source of protein and also help with pollen allergies. To get the most out of nuts, eat them uncooked and unsalted. Some of the best types for pollen allergy are hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds. Sprinkle them on your cereal, add them to a trail mix or simply grab a handful as a snack.
Herbal Supplements
There are quite a few herbal supplements on the market that are ideal for relieving pollen allergies. Listed below are some of the most common and efficient types:
Quercetin -- Quercetin targets sinus pain and congestion and, when paired with Vitamin C, can reduce inflammation dramatically. The amount you need in order to see results varies from person to person, so experiment by beginning with one or two pills a day and increase your intake as needed.
Butterbur -- This herbal supplement is also referred to as petasites and takes the form of a shrub with large leaves. The plant itself is toxic in large amounts, but many people use herbal supplement pills as an effective treatment for allergy symptoms.
Stinging Nettle -- While the name is off-putting, Stinging Nettle is an antihistamine herbal supplement that is highly effective. It inhibits the body's ability to create histamine. It's similar to many antihistamines on the drug market, but is all natural. The plant is usually freeze dried and placed inside capsules. Studies show that 300 mg per day is enough to offset pollen allergies.
Other Natural Relief
In addition to foods and supplements, there are a few other all-natural ways to relieve pollen allergies.
Acupuncture -- Acupuncture is a Chinese tradition where tiny needles slightly puncture the skin. Each area of the skin is said to affect another part of the body. When using acupuncture for pollen-related allergies, the part of the skin "connected" with the lungs is treated.
Saline Nasal Spray -- Medicated nasal sprays can damage the lining of your nose and even become addictive. Saline-based sprays, however, are different. They clear pollen out of your nasal cavity, reduce mucous in your nose and allow you to breathe more easily. Saline is an isotonic solution created from salt and distilled water.