Natural Seasonal Allergy Remedies
Herbs are a gentle natural way to treat seasonal allergy symptoms. Stinging nettle has long been used to treat symptoms brought on by allergies. When taking internally, this plant reduces inflam-mation and bronchial congestion. It is best to begin taking this herb about two to four weeks before allergy season, and nettle is safe to use throughout the allergy season or as long as you have symptoms. The common dosage is one 250 to 500 mg capsule every two to four hours or until symptoms are relieved.
Quercetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid compound found in fruits and vegetables that has been found to reduce allergy symptoms by controlling the release of histamines. Although this nutrient can be obtained by eating plenty of fresh produce, you may have better results if you take it as a supplement. Take one 400 mg capsule twice a day between meals.
Goldenseal root is an antibacterial herb that helps to boost the immune system. It is often combined with other herbs during allergy season to support the body in dealing with symptoms caused by allergens. Take one 100 to 200 mg capsule three times daily for only six weeks at a time. Then take a break for three to six weeks before resuming.
Hot spicy food can be effective in relieving stuffy noses and congestion caused by allergy symptoms. The hot spices help to thin mucous secretions, clearing nasal passages and opening up airways for easier breathing. A few spices that can be included in meal preparations are cayenne pepper, hot ginger and fenugreek.
Additional things can be done to relieve symptoms and make you feel more comfortable when seasonal allergies strike. Saline (salt water) nasal spray helps wash out pollens from the nasal passages and reduce the mucous. Raw honey is an age-old remedy for relieving allergies. Keep your environment clean and dust free. Eat a whole-food diet free of foods, such as dairy, that may increase mucous production, and avoid sugary processed foods that weaken the immune system.