Food Substitutes for Mold Allergies
Opt for Produce that is not Organic
Organic produce is more likely to contain mold spores because it doesn't contain as many strong preservatives and fungicides. Opt for produce that is not "Certified Organic" and you'll have a better chance of finding produce that contains fungicides that will kill mold spores. Peeling the skin off of fruit is also a good idea for mold allergy sufferers, as this is the part that is most likely to contain mold spores.
Salad Dressing for Mold Allergy Sufferers
Mold allergy sufferers are often concerned about salad dressing, as vinegar can be a trigger. Instead of consuming vinegar-based salad dressing, make your own using lemon juice as a base instead of vinegar. Foods that are highly acidic are believed to be good for those with mold allergies, so don't be afraid of consuming citrus.
Fresh Seafood for Mold Allergy Sufferers
For mold allergy sufferers who love seafood, there is an easy and healthy solution: eat fresh. Seafood that is less than 24 hours old is less likely to be moldy, so shouldn't cause any reactions. Additionally, the nutritional benefits of fresh seafood are significantly higher than frozen fish or seafood that's been on display for a few days, so there's more than one reason to consider adding extremely fresh seafood to your diet.
Tomato Sauce for Mold Allergy Sufferers
Canned and premade tomato sauces can contain mold, but luckily there are simple substitutions for those who can't live without this Italian staple. Making a tomato sauce at home, using fresh juicy tomatoes, can take as little as 15 minutes and taste great. For some fresh tomato sauce recipes, consult the link in the Resources section below.
High-Protein Options for Mold Allergy Sufferers
As a general rule, mold grows on older foods, so eat fresh. High-protein diets are very healthy, and fresh meat, poultry and eggs are completely acceptable food options for mold allergy sufferers. When standing at the butcher's counter, ask for the freshest cut available.