Hay Fever Home Remedy
Avoid Trigger Foods
Many people suffering from hay fever may have their condition worsened by eating certain foods. The foods may differ from person to person, but typically involve the allergen that caused the fever in the first place. For example, those allergic to ragweed are advised to avoid any type of melon. Other pollen allergies can interact with the consumption of apples, cherries, pears, potatoes or carrots. Pay special attention to your diet when battling hay fever in order to keep the illness under control.
Stay Inside
Staying inside when possible, especially in the morning hours, will help reduce the severity of hay fever. The pollen count is highest in the early morning, typically between 5 and 10 a.m., so staying indoors during this time will help limit your exposure and help alleviate the fever. It is recommended that those with severe allergies try to stay indoors as much as possible, no matter the time of day.
Use the Air Conditioner
Running the air conditioner in your home and car will help reduce the pollen in the air, which will help relieve hay fever. Pollen can drift in from open windows, so avoid opening them unless absolutely necessary. When you become cool, switch the A/C to the fan position, so it still works toward filtering the pollen from the air. Be sure to change the filters on the unit monthly, especially during the pollen season.
Shower at Night
When you come in contact with pollen, it can attach to your hair, skin and clothes. For this reason, it is important to shower each night before bed. This will prevent the inhalation of the clinging pollen while you are asleep. If nightly showers are not possible, at least change your clothes and wash your face, neck and arms before going to bed.