Natural Cat Allergy Cures
Herbal Remedies
There are several herbal remedies that can help cure cat allergy symptoms by clearing and preventing congestion and mucous, according to Examples of herbs for cat allergy include cayenne, eyebright, fenugreek, horehound, licorice root, lobelia, and mullein. These can be found at health food stores. Take 500 milligrams, or one to two capsules every four hours when symptoms are prevalent.
Nutritional Supplements
According to, many nutritional supplements may help to boost the body's natural immunity to dander associated with cat allergy. They can be purchased at health food stores, and some in grocery stores as well. Take up to 1500 milligrams a day of Bromelain to reduce the inflammation that cat allergy causes throughout the body.
Curcumin fights symptoms of cat allergy, similar to that of a prescribed cortisone, minus the risks of high blood pressure and heart disease. Curcumin can be taken up to three times a day in 500 milligram dosages.
L-Histadine is an amnio acid that treats cat allergy by helping to block the production of histamine in the body. It can be taken up to three times a day in 500 to 1,000 milligram dosages.
A basic multivitamin with minerals may be enough to help combat cat allergy. Be sure it is sufficient in zinc, Vitamin A, and selenium, which all naturally boost the immune system. Take one multivitamin a day.
Pine Bark Extract, also known as pycnogenol, acts as an antihistamine against cat allergy symptoms. Take 300 milligrams a day.
Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, aids in the creation of adrenal hormones, which reduce allergic reactions to cat dander. Take 500 milligrams at least three times a day.
Vitamin C acts as an antihistamine. Take at least 6,000 milligrams, taking it throughout the day.
Vitamin E provides antibodies and can be taken daily to help combat cat allergy symptoms.
Another effective cure for cat allergy symptoms is by trying to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Do not get a cat if allergies to dander are severe; it is not worth the suffering. However, for mild cat allergies, steps can be taken to help alleviate symptoms. If a cat must be kept indoors, be sure she does not hang out in the bedroom (Reference 1). Vacuum carpets often, with a vacuum that is equipped with a HEPA, or high efficiency particulate air filter to maximize the capture of dander. Better yet, do not have carpets in the house. Take special care when petting, grooming, and cleaning a cat. Ask someone else for help with the latter two to minimize allergy symptoms (Reference 2: "Common Sense Measures").
Hypoallergenic Cats
According to Natural Allergy Cures, a bio-tech company in the United States, called Allerca, developed hypoallergenic cats by breeding some of the rare number of cats that do not produce as much dander that causes cat allergy. About one in 50,000 cats does not produce the protein that creates the dander that the average cat produces. Hypoallergenic cats are sold in the United States, but cost about $4,000 (Reference 1). Although this process may not seem natural to some, it does provide a solution to an individual who wants a cat but has severe cat allergy and has avoided getting one.