Side Effects of Pseudoephedrine
Pseudoephedrine Defined
Pseudoephedrine is a drug used in many types of over-the-counter and prescription medications. It is commonly used as a decongestant because it shrinks the blood vessels in the nose, reducing congestion. Used in accordance with labeling, pseudoephedrine is not normally hazardous to the user's health. However, when taken in larger dosage than intended --- through simultaneous use of too many over-the-counter cough and cold products, or in conjunction with other prescribed medications --- pseudoephedrine can be life-threatening.
Serious Side Effects
Seizure, difficulty breathing and swelling of the throat, lips, tongue and face are all serious side effects of pseudoephedrine, and can occur because of a pseudoephedrine interaction with other drugs (like antidepressants), or an overdose (using too many products containing it, or too high a dosage). Other serious side effects of this potent medication are chest pain, pounding heartbeat, severe dizziness, blurred vision, numbness and unusual weakness in the body.
Other Serious Side Effects
If you experience a fast heartbeat, nervousness or tendency to bruise or bleed more easily than normal when using pseudoephedrine, it might be a side effect due to its use. Likewise, an uneven heartbeat, restlessness, anxiety, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, aches) and severe headache are possible side effects.
Pseudoephedrine is one component used by illicit drug traffickers to produce methamphetamine, according to the U.S. Department of Justice's Drug Enforcement Agency. And since methamphetamine is a highly addictive illicit drug, the fact that pseudoephedrine is one of its components should be considered when contemplating use and recommended dosage guidelines for legal versions of this product.
Less Serious Side Effects
Initial and less severe side effects that can result from pseudoephedrine use can include skin warmth, tingling, itching or a rash; the appearance of redness beneath the skin; excitability or restlessness that continues throughout the day; slight appetite suppression (loss); and insomnia. If these conditions persist or you exhibit any of the aforementioned side effects, stop using this medicine and consult a medical professional.