Home Remedies for an Allergy Cough
Herbal Tea
Herbal tea is packed full of sickness fighting enzymes and antioxidants, and has been used for over a thousand years by the Chinese culture to treat digestive problems and rid the body of unwarranted toxins that may cause disease. Herbal tea is also quite effective at subduing even the most stubborn allergy cough. The most effective teas have proven to be black tea and chamomile. To prepare, pour hot water into a heat resistant mug along with the tea. Add a splash of lemon juice to help release the herbal tea's natural healing enzymes. Also add a tablespoon of honey to help lubricate your throat. Drink slowly and feel your cough melt away.
Garlic cough syrup may not sound like the best thing, but it is very effective in treating coughs. Garlic is one of nature's miracles. It has many healing qualities and when properly used, garlic can be just as good, if not better than pharmacological treatments. To prepare the garlic cough syrup, chop a few cloves of garlic and place them into a mason jar. Completely cover the garlic with honey and let marinate for at least 24 hours. Ideal time to marinate is two weeks, but your cough cannot wait that long. Take a tablespoon of the syrup in the morning and whenever you feel the urge of a cough coming along.
Like garlic, ginger is another one of nature's cure-all. It is available for purchase in many different forms, but for use as a cough suppressant, either whole ginger root or sliced ginger will do fine. If you have whole ginger root, cut the ginger into thin slices. Place a few slices into your mouth and chew. The healing enzymes will be released from the ginger as you chew it and your cough will slowly fade away.