Runny Nose Relief
Non-Medicinal Relief
Often, an infection such as a cold or the flu can cause a runny nose. In these cases, the mucus produced is thick and can be yellow or green in color. Nasal saline rinses can bring relief for a runny nose. You can either purchase commercially available saline sprays, or make your own by combining a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of baking soda and a pint of cool water. Once mixed, put this solution into a neti pot (or simply snort it into your nose). The salt in the rinse draws mucus out of the sinuses and shrinks membranes and the baking soda helps to break up the mucus. Because many runny noses can be exacerbated by dry air, adding moisture to the air through a humidifier or cool-mist vaporizer can bring relief.
Medicinal Relief
Decongestants can help relieve a runny nose due to an infection. These work by shrinking the mucous membranes which allows air to pass through more freely and limits the amount of mucus produced. Decongestants are also available in the form of nasal sprays. These are effective in clearing congestion, but should not be used for more than a day or two due to a risk of dependency. Antihistamines can also be useful in reliving runny noses due to colds or flu. If you are more interested in herbal remedies for your runny nose, watercress and andrographis (also known as "Indian Echinacea") can bring relief.
Allergy Relief
When allergens such as pollen, pet dander and dust mites come into contact with delicate sinus tissues, they can trigger an allergic reaction. This causes swelling of the membranes as well as an increase in mucus production (which serves to flush the allergens away). Runny noses due to allergies usually cause mucus that is clear and relatively runny and is usually accompanied by itching. If you have a runny nose due to allergies, you can gain relief by taking allergy medication. Oral medications are available both in prescription and over-the-counter forms. Nose sprays can also be effective in halting the allergic reaction and shrinking swollen tissues. Nasal saline rinses can shrink mucous membranes and rinse allergens away. Finally, take precautions to avoid exposure to allergens.