Allergy Therapy
Immunotherapy (allergy shots) works to desensitize a person's immune system to allergens until it stops reacting to them. Although immunotherapy is not a cure, it can be helpful for people who cannot avoid their allergens and have not responded well to medications. Treatment generally begins with a weak solution once or twice a week. The strength is slowly increased with each dose. Once the maximum treatment is reached, shots are given once a month to control symptoms, generally for three to five years.
Antihistamines work to block allergic reactions and come in the form of tablets, nasal sprays and eye drops. Some antihistamines come as a combination with a decongestant. Prescription-strength antihistamines are available as well as over-the-counter forms. A common side effect is drowsiness, which does not occur with the prescription form (except Zyrtec in some cases). Decongestants provide temporary relief of congestion and come in the form of pills, nasal sprays and eye drops.
Corticosteroids work to reduce inflammation and only come in prescription strength. Corticosteroids come in the form of nasal spray, pills, eye drops and topical solutions. Corticosteroids have to be taken for a few weeks to reach maximum effect.
Medications that block symptom-causing chemicals that occur during an allergic reaction include Singular, NasalCrom and Mast cell stabilizer eye drops.
Epinephrine shots (such as EpiPen) are used in emergency situations to stop a severe allergic reaction and avoid anaphylactic shock. Epinephrine shots are self-injecting syringe and needle devices. Epinephrine is a form of adrenaline and can slow the allergic reaction until you seek emergency treatment.
Home Care
There are things you can do at home to help prevent or alleviate allergic symptoms. Buying synthetic pillows can help keep dust mites at bay because they can be washed in hot water. Bedding should also be washed in hot water at a temperature of at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit. You can encase your pillows, mattress and box spring with allergen-proof covers.
Changing to hardwood flooring helps alleviate allergy symptoms as carpets are extremely hard to rid completely of pollen, dust and pet dander. Even steam cleaning is not hot enough to kill mites. Throw rugs are a good alternative since they can be washed at a high enough temperature to kill mites.
Installing a HEPA (high-energy particulate-arresting) filter helps to keep the air clean in your house. Air filters are great against pollen, mold and pet dander. However, they are not much use against dust mites as they do not float around in the air for the filter to draw them in. Buy a dehumidifier to help dust mite problems. Dust mites do not survive well in humidity that is below 45 percent.