Allergy Remedies for Children
Pet Dander
If your child sneezes and has itchy eyes when around pets, he may be allergic to them. "The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies for Children," found on, recommends that if you have pets, they should live outside, if practical. If not, limit their territory; for example, keep them out of your child's bedroom.
Cleaner Air
Keep your windows closed. If they're open, along with the breeze comes airborne allergens like pollen. An air conditioner can help with the hot nights of sleeping with the windows closed. It also acts as a dehumidifier, which can lessen your child's allergy symptoms. Also consider an air cleaner that will capture these minute particles.
Dr. Gilbert Friday, in an article on, explains that pollen counts are highest in the early morning hours, and lower as the day wears on. After the sun goes down, they pick up again. So to minimize exposure, try to schedule your child's outdoor playtime for midday.
For mold allergies, get a dehumidifier, remove books from the bedroom or store them in a glass-doored bookcase.
Mother Earth News suggests you find a source for raw, local honey, and purchase it prior to the start of the pollen season. Each day, have your child eat a small amount, and gradually increase it to a teaspoon a day. This slowly exposes her body to local pollens, and helps her build an immunity to them.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, so eating foods high in vitamin C should unleash the antihistamine properties of these foods and ease your child's body's reaction to the invading pollen.