Natural Allergy Relief for Kids
Avoid Allergens
Keep your child indoors during allergy season if the child is allergic to outdoor pollen. Allergen counts are highest in the early morning hours.
If the child has indoor allergies, try to avoid those as well. Avoid homes that have pets to which your child is allergic, or allow the child to stay outside.
Use Saline
Saline provides relief for allergies. Saline is basically salt water, so it is considered all natural. Use it two to three times a day during allergy season. If you have a younger child, you can use a bulb syringe to help pull out nasal mucus. Otherwise, just be sure that your child is blowing his nose.
Use a Humidifier or Vaporizer
A cool-mist humidifier adds moisture to the air, and can help relieve congestion due to allergies.
Use a vaporizer only if it can be placed out of reach of your child. Vaporizers emit warm steam and can cause burns. You may add essential oils to a vaporizer, like lavender and eucalyptus, to help relieve congestion. Speak to your pediatrician before adding any oils.
Use a Purifier
Use an air purifier, especially if your child is allergic to indoor allergens. Air purifiers remove contaminants from the air, including dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. The most popular air purifiers use HEPA filters or are ionizer purifiers.
Be sure to offer your child extra fluids throughout the day, especially water. Extra fluids will help thin out mucus in the body. Avoid caffeine (for example, in sodas), which can dehydrate your child. Water is the best choice of fluid. You can also offer milk or juice. Try diluting the juice with water.
Other Natural Remedies
If your child has a sore throat, have her gargle with warm salt water. Mix one to two tablespoons of salt in 8 oz. of water. Make sure the water is not too hot, which can encourage bacteria growth. For itchy, red eyes, apply a cold compress of a washcloth soaked with cool water.