Homemade Cures for Allergies
Home Remedies
Blend 1 tsp. each of vinegar and honey with water, and drink it all in one big gulp. You could also make a refreshing peppermint tea. To do this, put 1/2 lb. of dried peppermint leaves in a 1 quart jar, filled 2/3 with boiling water. Let the leaves soak for about five minutes, then strain the mixture, let it cool, add a sweetener for taste and drink it as many times as you can during the day. You could try making a tea with the leaves of the goldenrod flower plant, which is known to have antiseptic features. As in the case of peppermint tea, drinking between 3 and 4 cups of this tea daily, might help fight your allergy. There are two other types of tea, one made from elderflower and the other made from licorice root. The first kind will help you battle throat inflammation and nose congestion, apart from providing a great gargling medium for relieving soreness of the throat. The second tea made from boiling and straining a mixture of 1 quart of water and 3 oz. of licorice root, taken by a spoonful every day after meals will aid in building up your immunity against allergy causing agents. You could have chamomile tea as well for its antihistamine properties.
The banana is known for its anti-allergenic constituents. Have as much as you can of this fruit. Another alternative is to place 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar into 8 oz. of water, and drink the mixture cold as it is or heat it up a little before taking it. Two more home remedies are known to prove beneficial in fighting allergies. For one, take grapefruit, boil and mince it, then add lemon juice to it. To this mixture add some honey and have it thrice on a daily basis. For the second remedy, add the juice of half a lemon to a cup of tepid water. Have the mixture after adding a 1 tsp. of honey to it. This is known to have great detoxifying characteristics. You could also chew peeled and crushed ginger to benefit from its antihistamine and decongestant properties. You could make it a habit of adding garlic to cooking, or dressings, as this helps in immune system stimulation.
Other Treatment
For those prone to allergies, regular over-the-counter antihistamine drugs and decongestants like Claritin and Astelin should always be kept at home. In severe cases, the doctor might also recommend an allergy shot. But the amount has to be administered with utmost care such that it is just right for bringing in the wanted treatment of allergy reactions.