How to know if your Child has a Milk Allergy
These milk allergy symptoms may be present in your child:
Allergic reactions to milk may be hard to recognize. Symptoms could include hyperactivity, irritability, sneezing, runny nose, stomach cramps, coughing, ear infections, strep throat, asthma, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, constipation.
More noticeable reactions are: hives, rash, trouble breathing, wheezing, and in rare cases anaphylaxis.
This is by far from an extensive list, but if you notice that your child is sick all the time or just seems off you may want to look further into the situation.
Get an allergy test:
If you believe your child is allergic to milk, make a doctors appointment to have an allergy test done. This can be done by a blood test or a skin test.
If a milk allergy is suspected and if reactions happen fast, a blood test can be done to check for IgE antibodies.
If the reaction seems to develop more slowly a skin test may be performed. A doctor or specialist will place drops on arm or back and prick the skin. After that is completed, you need to wait to see if the skin becomes red or raised. If that happens, it is probably an allergic reaction.
If the results from the allergy test shows that your child has a milk allergy, you will need to discus with your doctor to see if the allergy is low to high. Knowing this information can help you plan and prepare for this new sensitivity.
If it is determined that your child has to have a strict avoidance diet, you may want to consult a nutritionist to make sure that your child gets the nutrients they need as they continue to develop.
Read as much as you can. This will help you overcome the shock of "What am I going to feed my child". Once you get in the hang of what you can and can't feed your child, it won't be as paralyzing. In fact, your child may end up healthier than before by getting more fruits and vegetables.