Dust Mite Allergy Prevention
Eliminate Dust
Keep your house clean by not allowing dust to accumulate. When dusting, use a damp rag so the dust will cling to it rather than being dispersed into the air. Steam clean your carpets at least once a year. Vacuum weekly using an HEPA vacuum cleaner, which is better at trapping tiny particles. Vacuum the curtains and upholstery as well. Wear a mask while vacuuming or have someone not allergic to dust mites do it. Select an air filter for your home that is anti-microbial. Cheap washable filters are usually incapable of trapping allergens and may become a breeding ground for dust mites. Since it is impossible to remove all dust from carpets, avoid lying on carpets or upholstered furniture if you have a dust mite allergy.
Bedroom Oasis
Make your sleeping area as allergen-free as possible. Replace the carpet with tile that can be mopped frequently. Seal your mattress and pillows in allergen-barrier covers. Remove all bedding and wash it in hot water at least weekly. If you have blankets that cannot be washed in hot water, put them in the freezer overnight to kill dust mites. Replace upholstered furniture in your bedroom with wooden or vinyl furniture. If you have stuffed animals, keep only those that can be washed in hot water and move the rest to another room. Since pets provide an additional food source for dust mites, don't let them share your bedroom. Prepare a place for them in another part of your home on a rug or bedding that is machine washable in hot water. Wash your pet's bedding weekly.
Reduce Humidity
Keep the humidity level in your home under 50 percent. Run your air conditioner to reduce humidity levels in the summer or invest in a dehumidifier. Avoid using humidifiers or vaporizers. Use the vent fans in your kitchen and bathrooms to force out air from those typically humid rooms. Do not dry wet clothes inside. Repair leaky plumbing and ensure water drains away from the foundation of your home.