How to Determine If You Have A Ruptured Eardrum
Ear pain can occur with a ruptured eardrum if the cause is traumatic. For example many ruptured eardrums occur as a result of a well meaning attempt to remove ear wax with a hairpin or ink pen. Accidentally inserting these objects too far into the ear canal can lead to a ruptured eardrum which can be quite uncomfortable so listen to your mother and keep sharp objects out of your ear.
Decreased hearing can occur as a result of a ruptured eardrum. The eardrum helps to convert sound waves into neural signals that are transmitted to the brain. A ruptured eardrum is unable to effectively process sound waves.
Watery discharge from the ear that is occasionally blood tinged can accompany a ruptured eardrum. Ear infections occur quite frequently. Fluid which has accumulated behind the eardrum becomes infected resulting in pain, fever and increased middle ear pressure. Occasionally the middle ear pressure will cause a spontaneous rupture of the eardrum allowing the infected ear fluid to drain out of the middle ear space. The pain from the ear infection may actually improve after the perforation occurs.
Ringing in the ear also known as tinnitus can accompany a ruptured eardrum.
The eardrum is a paper thin membrane separating the middle ear space from the external ear canal. A number of delicate structures responsible for balance and hearing are located in the middle ear. A ruptured eardrum can indirectly cause brief episodes of dizziness or vertigo (room spinning).
Since the middle ear space and nose are connected by the eustachian tube blowing your nose after you sustain a ruptured eardrum can create a blowing or whistling sound in the affected ear that some people find disconcerting.