Cures for a Chronic Sinus Infection
What is a Sinus Infection?
A sinus infection is usually brought on by colds, allergies, bacteria and fungus. The infection is caused by the buildup of mucous resulting from inflamed and swollen membranes in the nasal cavity. This can cause even more mucous to build up, which then causes severe pressure and pain in the nasal area and under the eyes. A sinus infection can also lead to severe headaches, fever, earaches and fatigue.
Prescribed Antibiotics
Antibiotics are commonly used to treat sinus infections. However, they will not work on an infection caused by a virus or fungus. Some common antibiotics that are used include amoxicillin, soxycycline and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. An infection caused by a fungus may require an intravenous medication such as amphotericin B or voriconazole. However, a newer type of treatment uses anti-fungal medications that are administered directly into the nasal cavity.
Nasal Irrigation
Oftentimes, sinus infections can be helped by using a nasal irrigation. You can purchase an over-the-counter kit from most pharmacies. You can also make your own by mixing one teaspoon of kosher salt with a cup of warm water and then squirting it into the nasal cavity with a bulb syringe. This irrigation helps to clean out bacteria, dried mucous and relieve congestion. Using a nasal irrigation on a daily basis can actually help to prevent sinus infections altogether.
Prevention as a Cure
There is an old saying: Prevention is worth an ounce of cure. This is also true for sinus infections. If you know you have allergies then avoiding those irritants or receiving immunotherapy or allergy shots to can help prevent sinus infections. Cleaning out your nasal passages with a saline rinse and using a humidifier can also be very helpful in keeping nasal passages clear. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids and getting plenty of rest can be helpful.