How to Eliminate Pet Dander
Clean your upholstery and drapes once a month. Pet dander can very easily attach itself to upholstery and drapes and stay there if they are not regularly cleaned.
Vacuum your carpets once daily with a HEPA vacuum. This type of vaccuum has a special filter that keeps pet dander from being redistributed on your carpets when you vacuum.
Clean your carpets, if you have them, every three months. Just as with upholstery and drapes, carpets can become inundated with pet dander; in fact, carpets will have even more dander because your pets are likely lying and playing on your carpets.
Play with your pets outdoors rather than indoors. A lot of pet dander comes loose during play, and if you play outside, that's where the majority of pet dander will end up rather than in your home.
Bathe your pets once a week, as this will send that pet dander down the drain instead of all over your home.