Symptoms of Jellyfish Stings
Jellyfish tentacles can trail several feet away from the body of the creature making avoidance while swimming in the ocean problematic. Even lying on a beach, a jellyfish's tentacles can deliver poison for two weeks after the it has died. Symptoms range from mild to deadly depending on the amount of contact and your own body's ability to fight the toxins.-
Welts may be visible at the site of the contact. These welts may last for weeks after the contact and may even scar.
Pain at the contact site is to be expected, however, pain may also occur in the muscles and even chest. Headaches have also been reported.
Jellyfish tentacles have many cells that release a poison when they touch something. These cells fire a barbed thread through which the venom travels. The itching you feel is a result.
Depending on how severe the contact is, you may experience nausea.
Respiratory Complaints
As with any allergic reaction, you may find your nose running or becoming congested.
Cardiac Complaints
In a few instances, changes in pulse rate have been reported. Also death has occurred on rare occasion after contact with a Portuguese Man-of-War. Death is more frequently reported after contact with box jellyfish (also known as a sea wasp) which live off the coast of Australia. These creatures are capable of introducing enough toxin into the blood stream of an adult to cause cardiovascular collapse. An antivenom has to be administered within minutes of contact.