Symptoms of Candida Cleansing
Why Die-Off Happens
Too much yeast in the body can happen for a variety of reasons, but, when it does, it must be managed. When you start cleansing out the body, depriving the yeast of the sugar it has been feeding off of and ridding yourself of an overabundance of yeast, you can, for a while, feel worse before you get better. When the yeast starts to die off, your body may feel worse as you get rid of the dead yeast cells. The toxins of these cells will, for a short time, increase your symptoms. But once you get through this period, the symptoms will disappear and your energy will return. The initial die-off happens in stage one of recovery when either a prescribed anti-fungal medication is taken or a homeopathic yeast cleanser.
Symptoms of Candida Cleansing
Everyone reacts differently to the die-off of yeast cells just as everyone reacts differently to the initial overgrowth of yeast in the body. Many Candida patients will simply have an increase or worsening of the same symptoms they have had for a long time, while others may experience a few new ones in addition to those. The nervous system, skin, eyes and vision, ears, nose, throat, mouth and gums may experience symptoms as well as the blood vessels, lymph system, respiratory system, gastro/intestinal, genito/urinary, muscle and skeletal systems. You may also experience additional depression, irritability and general fatigue.
When Cleansing Symptoms Usually Occur
Usually these symptoms or the die-off phase occurs most intensely between days three and four of the anti-fungal medication process or herbal remedy process. According to Helen Gustafson and Maureen O'Shea in their book "The Candida Directory and Cookbook: The Comprehensive Guide to Yeast Free Living," most anti-fungal medications or preparations inhibit the growth of new yeast buds. In other words, it is quite a shock to your system.
Relieving Die off Symptoms
A few things may be done to help cope with this uncomfortable time. Drinking grapefruit tea can help to reverse the toxic excess alkaline the dead yeast cells produce. Exercising will increase oxygen to your cells and speed up the time it takes your body to remove toxins from your cells. Get lots of rest, drink lots of water and ease your stress as much as possible through meditation or whichever technique you prefer.
Restoring Balance
Experiencing the symptoms of die-off is stressful, but once your body returns to a healthy, balanced state you must try hard to keep it that way. It is easy, once the no-sugar, no-yeast diet is done to return to your old habits, but practicing healthy choices daily is the key to a healthy body. Also, make sure to take live active cultures (found in unsweetened yogurt), such as acidophilus or bifidus, daily to help the good bacteria keep the normal Candida in check.