Allergy Shot Side Effects
Swelling of the injection site is a common side effect. There is an actual chart to measure the swelling against to judge the seriousness of the reaction. An easy gauge is to use a coin to measure the circumference of the swelling on the top of the arm. The swelling may also present as a hard knot.
Redness at the site of the injection can occur. The area may also feel warm to the touch.
Because the allergist is injecting something you are allergic to into your system, your skin may be itchy.
Systemic Reactions
More severe reactions may occur at higher doses of serum. These can include general allergy systems such as sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, hives, and congestion.
In rare instances, allergy shots can cause anaphylaxic shock. These symptoms include shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, closing of the throat, and low blood pressure.