Natural Cure for Sinus Infections
Garlic is one of the best natural ingredients to fight bacteria and fungus. It works quickly, and is very inexpensive. One fresh clove chopped fine will work perfectly. One tablespoon of garlic juice will also work if you do not have fresh garlic on hand.
Boiled water is highly effective in the breakup of mucus, and works very fast. Boil enough water to fill a large bowl, roughly 4-5 cups.
Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium, a vitamin known to decrease the production of mucus. You will need about two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (preferably organic) for each dose.
The Process
Boil the water and pour about six ounces into a large glass. Pour the rest into the large bowl. Then pour two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into the glass, stir, and set aside to cool slightly.
Gently add the chopped garlic clove or garlic juice to the bowl of water and stir. Place your head over top of the bowl and take deep breaths. As you inhale the steaming vapors, you will feel your nasal passages begin to open, and the mucus in your sinus passages will begin breaking up. Take deep breathes for two to three minutes. To trap in the steam so that it doesn't escape as quickly, you can place a towel over the top of your head.
After inhaling the vapors, drink the vinegar , garlic and water mixture while it's still warm. The vapor inhalation will open your sinuses, while the vinegar will decrease mucus production. Repeat this process every four to six hours.
Also remember to drink roughly 8-10 glasses of water per day. The extra water in your system will help to thin out mucus, which will help keep your sinuses open.
Additional Options
If you are still having sinus trouble, check with your doctor to see if you may have food allergies. Food allergies are easy to determine through a simple blood test. When having sinus issues, you may want to avoid certain things such as dairy products, which increase mucus production.
You may also need to have tests done to see if you have allergic reactions to pets, pollens, mold or mildew, which can easily increase your risk of a sinus infection. Allergy tests are typically done with quick pricks of the skin. These tests are fast and highly effective in finding the cause of an allergic reaction.