How to Stop The Spread Of Poison Ivy
Wash your clothes you where wearing. Take them off at the door if possible to avoid any further spread of poison ivy.
You will also want to immediately wash towels and any thing else used during and after this possess. -
Wash your shoes of, if they are machine washable just make sure not to put them in the same load as your clothes.
Take a shower to get the urushiol (oil from piosong ivy) off your skin. Avoid taking a bath until all oil is off. If it has been less them 15 minutes since your encounter, run don't walk. While some individuals will have a allergic reaction to any touch what so ever, most will only see reactions if the urushiol has been on their skin for more then 15 minutes. While you still may see some spots, your chances of severe reaction goes down dramatically. Just make sure not put your hands to your face.
Give your pet a bath if they were in contact with the poison ivy. While they do not become sensitive to the plant, they can easily carry it to anyone they come in contact with. Do this outside if possible.