Signs & Symptoms of Bacterial Sinus Infection
Facial Pressure
Facial pressure occurs from the build-up of mucus in the sinus cavities. The pressure can be limited to the sinuses in the cheeks or include the sinus in the forehead.
Nasal Discharge
Nasal discharge is generally present with a cold or flu. However, in a sinus infection, it is thicker and yellow or green in color.
Double Sickening
Doctors call the sinus infection after a cold a double sickening. That's because the patient almost feels better before starting to feel sick again. If you have been sick for more than ten days--or your symptoms started getting worse five to seven days after the start of the cold--you may have a sinus infection.
Halitosis or bad breath from the infection may not be much of a problem since many people with sinus infections also experience a loss of the sense of smell.
Dental Pain
The pressure from the build-up of mucus in the sinuses can also cause the teeth in the upper jaw to hurt.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms of a sinus infection include fever; headache, persistent cough; ear pain, pressure, or fullness; eyes may be red, bulging, or painful; and fatigue.