About Allergy Stomach Pain
Stomach pain as a result of allergies, particularly food allergies, can come on unexpectedly. Often, the person suffering from the pain does not even realize she has an allergy to the food she's eaten. Other times, medication can cause stomach pain. If a person is intolerant to a certain type of medication, stomach pain can be the first sign that he needs to stop taking that medication and ask his doctor for an alternative.
Often, the individual suffering from stomach pain believes that a certain food caused the pain. However, it's actually the enzymes and protein in the food that cause the problem. Food allergies and the immune system are linked, in that the immune system, in some cases, fights the enzymes and proteins that certain foods contain. This results in a reaction between the enzymes, proteins and the chemical released by the immune system, which fights off the unwanted intruders. The same can be said of drug allergies and stomach pain.
A person suffering from either food or drug allergies usually will not know she has an allergy until she eats the food that causes it or takes the medication that will trigger the allergic reaction. Once the food or medication is ingested, the body will get to work, breaking it down and absorbing it. It's during this process that the allergy will become evident in the form of stomach cramps. They can be mild to severe, depending on the severity of the chemical reaction.
Most of the time, a person can isolate and pinpoint the cause of the allergy. For example, if he eats shellfish and develops stomach cramps afterward, he can pretty much isolate the problem. The same can be said of drug allergies. If a person takes a cough syrup containing codeine and develops stomach pain, it's pretty obvious what caused it. However, consulting a medical professional is the best way to identify the cause of the problem and rule out any other serious conditions.
There are different ways to cope with stomach pain brought on by food or drug allergies. Your doctor should determine the best method. Some doctors insist on a change in diet, while others believe that eating the allergy-causing food in small portions will build up your immune system. Drug allergies can be much more serious, however. If you believe you are allergic to a certain type of drug, consult your physician immediately.