Best Pets for Kids With Allergies

Having a pet is a great idea for families with children. Pets not only bring a lot of joy but also a lot of lessons, such as responsibility, unconditional love and even death. If your child is an allergy sufferer, this does not exclude you from pet ownership; it simply means you have to be more creative in the type of pet you choose. There are a variety of pets your allergy-prone child can still enjoy and take care of.
  1. Fish

    • Choose an underwater friend. If your child suffers from extreme allergies to dander common in dogs and cats, you may want to buy him a fish. There is a great deal of variety when it comes to fish extending far beyond the short-lived gold fish most people recall having as children. You could buy something as simple as a beta fish, which can live in a small bowl, or you could invest in an entire aquarium of fish. Visit a local pet store to see the variety of fish available.


    • Add a reptile to your family. You could add a turtle, snake, frog or lizard to your home. These types of pets can provide your child with more interaction than an aquarium filled with fish and are just as likely to not induce any type of allergy attacks because of their lack of hair.

    Short-Haired Pets

    • Pick a pet with short hair if your child has minor allergies. Short-haired pets may shed less and, thus, cause less dander and allergens to be in the air your child breathes. A variety animals have short hair. You can find hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats and guinea pigs all with short hair. The great thing about these pets is they will spend a good deal of time inside of their cages, reducing the amount of dander in the air. Be careful when cleaning their cages as their waste can contain allergens.

    Hairless Dogs and Cats

    • Opt for a hairless dog or cat for your allergy-prone child. Hairless breeds may cause less allergic reactions because they do not shed. Hairless dogs include the Chinese Crested, American Hairless Terrier, Hairless Khala and Peruvian Inca Orchid. Hairless cats include the Sphynx, Donscoy, Ukrainian Levkoy, Peterbald and Bramble.


    • Having a dog with fur that is similar to human hair may also be more tolerable for a child who suffers from allergies. Dogs that have hair that is closer to human hair include the Bichon Frise, Yorkshire Terriers and Maltese.

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