Natural Cures for Sinus Cold Infection
Promote Drainage
Drink plenty of water as staying hydrated will help you to flush some of the congestion out of your system. Drinking hot beverages, such as tea, may also help to relieve some of the congestion associated with a sinus infection. You can also promote drainage by inhaling steam two to four times per day. You can do this by sitting in a hot shower or leaning over a bowl of hot water.
Avoid Mucus Causing Foods
Foods such as milk, citrus, spicy foods, wheat, and cheese can increase the production of mucus in your body. Since sinus infections are caused by a buildup of mucus, the last thing you want to do is cause the body to produce more mucus. Try eliminating some of these foods from your diet to see if that will relieve your sinus infection.
Nasal Flushing
Using a mixture of water and sodium bicarbonate powder can also relieve the congestion associated with a sinus infection. To do this mix a teaspoonful of bicarbonate powder with water. Then using a syringe (without a needle), inject the solution into your nostril so that it comes out the other side. Hold your breath while doing this to avoid getting the solution into your lungs. Remove the extra solution from your nostril by blowing it out as if you were blowing your nose.