How to Make Sinus Allergies Go Away
Things You'll Need
- Nasal saline solution Antihistamine allergy medication Washing machine Dryer Air purifier
Make Sinus Allergies Go Away
Purchase an over the counter antihistamine allergy medication (see References). You will need this allergy medication to help your body fight off the introduction of any allergens that may cause your sinus allergies, like tree and grass pollen.
Take the medication before the season starts so that you can help your body to prepare for the exposure to allergens.
Plug in the air purifier. The air purifier will help clean the air from any allergens that would cause sinus problems. All you need to do is turn it on and the filters do all the work, but make sure to check that the filters stay clean in order to perform optimally. Check them every month and purchase new filters for the filter replacement type, and wash the lifetime steel filters with water. The air purifier will help clean the air from any allergens that cause sinus problems.
Use the saline solution to irrigate the nasal passages. The nasal saline solution will come with a bottle for the solution with a screw-on squirt top and the saline solution mix. Pour the suggested amount of saline into the bottle (usually 1 tbsp.) and add water to the top of the bottle, then shake the bottle to mix up the saline/water solution. The saline solution is used to clean the nasal passages from mucous that holds allergens. It may burn as you spray it up your nose, but the mucous that will be flushed out will help allergy symptoms instantly.
Wash any fabrics that you come in contact with on a regular basis. Make sure you are using hot water and drying them in the dryer. If you dry them outside you will only expose them to more allergens. If necessary you can take them to a laundromat or dry cleaner.