Pepper Allergy Symptoms

Pepper allergy symptoms are not widely known or experienced, but they do exist. Responding to the symptoms and seeking the help of a doctor is of utmost importance. Pepper allergy symptoms range from mild to severe, but all of these symptoms must be noted and responded to accordingly.
  1. Identification

    • In some people an allergy to pepper is very obvious while other people have a difficult time pinpointing that it is the pepper causing the allergic type reaction or symptoms. If you are not sure what is causing the symptoms, you shouldn't try to identify the issue on your own, instead you should seek the help of a doctor who can help to safely test for allergies.


    • Pepper allergy symptoms often start with a scratchy or itchy feel on the tongue or in the throat. Other people will notice that their voice starts to crack or they just cannot project as well as usual. In more severe cases the tongue and the throat will actually start to swell and can swell to the point where breathing becomes difficult, if not impossible without medical intervention. Hives and skin rashes are also a common reaction.


    • Black pepper of any kind can cause this type of reaction. Many people who have a pepper allergy seem to respond more acutely when they have eaten cracked black pepper or peppercorns. Each person is different and what causes the extreme reactions or any reaction at all will differ from person to person.


    • While black pepper allergies are not all that common, they do exist. It's important to remember that just because you had a mild reaction one time doesn't necessarily mean that you will the next time. Symptoms of a pepper allergy is the way your body tells you that a particular substance is toxic and each time you are exposed to the substance the body will form more antibodies so it can react more rapidly and with more strength the next time.

      Those who have a pepper allergy and display symptoms will usually be treated with a mild antihistamine if symptoms are mild but may need to be treated with epinephrine if symptoms are severe in nature. Most doctors will prescribe an Epi-Pen for self-injection in the case of an emergency.


    • Allergies can be life-threatening. Those who do not take their allergies seriously are at risk of developing life-threatening symptoms. It's important if you suspect a pepper allergy to have a doctor confirm this for you and avoid eating pepper at all costs. In addition, you will want to be careful with other types of peppers, both dried and fresh, as it is not uncommon for an individual who is allergic to one type of pepper to be allergic to some or all peppers.

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