Signs & Symptoms of a Chocolate Allergy in Kids
What is a Chocolate Allergy?
Because chocolate is a composite of several ingredients, a child who has an allergic reaction may actually be reacting to the cocoa, gluten, milk, caffeine, nuts, dyes, or other ingredients. If children are allergic to more than one ingredient in the chocolate, they may have severe reactions.
Cold-like Symptoms
Some kids may experience cold-like symptoms after eating chocolate, such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, or watery eyes. They may benefit from an over-the-counter antihistamine. Alternately, an antihistamine can be prescribed by a doctor. Prescription antihistamines are less likely to induce drowsiness.
Asthmatic Symptoms
Some kids experience asthmatic symptoms after eating chocolate, such as wheezing, coughing, breathing difficulty, and airway inflammation. Kids with these symptoms may need to use bronchodilators and corticosteroids to treat the symptoms. Some children may even go into anaphylaxis or shock after eating chocolate. Kids with allergies this strong should make sure to always have epinephrine nearby.
Emotional Symptoms
Kids may show other signs of an allergy after eating chocolate, such as anxiety, confusion, or irritability. Although the irritability may lessen if the child takes antihistamines, the other emotional symptoms will go away with time. Staying away from the allergen is the primary way to reduce these symptoms.
Other Symptoms
Allergic reactions to chocolate also include headaches, eczema, hives, nausea, and heartburn. If your child experiences any of these symptoms after eating chocolate, talk with an allergy specialist immediately.