How to Treat a Penicillin Allergy
Take albuterol sulfate tablets. This drug is a bronchodilator that opens your lungs' airways, relieving your shortness of breath caused by an allergic reaction to penicillin. The recommended dosage is 2 milligrams every 12 hours.
Get an epinephrine injection. Epinephrine is a type of adrenaline that can immediately open your breathing tubes when injected into your muscles. The drug relieves the allergic reaction and quickly restores your breathing back to normal. Inject 0.3 milliliters of Epinephrine with an EpiPen auto injector into your thigh muscles.
Take an oral antihistamine such as Benadryl. Antihistamines neutralize the effects of the chemical histamine that is responsible for most penicillin allergy symptoms like constricted airways and skin irritations. Take 50 milligrams of Benadryl three times a day or as prescribed.
Take a corticosteroid. Corticosteroids such as Deltasone reduces the inflammation of your respiratory bronchioles (airway branches in your lung). Take one 60 milligram tablet daily, preferably with food.
Get penicillin desensitization. In this treatment, you are subjected to small amounts of penicillin every two minutes, which gradually weakens your body's sensitivity to the antibiotic for a short while. This method will allow you to receive a full injection of penicillin without an allergic reaction. It is done only if penicillin is absolutely necessary. Only a physician should do this treatmen, preferably in the hospital where you can be carefully observed.