Bee Allergy Symptoms
Hives are a severe rash and are a common symptom to a bee allergy. They are characterized by raised pale red bumps that are extremely itchy. Sometimes hives can also burn or sting. The bumps vary in size, they can be as small as a pencil eraser or they can connect together forming large plaques that can be as big as a dinner plate. While they go away on their own, they can be extremely uncomfortable. Cold compresses can temporarily relieve any discomfort while waiting for the hives to disappear.
Swelling of the Mouth or Throat
When someone allergic is stung by a bee, her mouth or throat may begin to swell almost immediately. This can constrict the airways and make it extremely difficult to breathe. Since this symptom can get worse quickly, emergency medical treatment is almost always needed.
Wheezing is a continuous whistling sound while breathing. It's normally a coarse sound that happens in the airways. In order for wheezing to occur some part of the respiratory track has to be constricted. While it's common with bee sting allergies, it's also a sound that one would hear with someone who has asthma.
Nausea and upset stomachs often occur in allergic reactions to bee stings. Sometimes this can be accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea. Both can lead to the body becoming dehydrated if the symptom continues for any prolonged period of time.
Someone with a bee allergy may feel anxiety when stung. Anxiety is a feeling of unease. It's typically associated with feeling of worry or fear. Anxiety is often accompanied by heart palpitations, nausea, fatigue, shortness of breathe, chest pain, headaches, or stomach aches. This symptom will normally come in combination with other reactions, like difficulty breathing.
Anaphylaxis is a whole body allergic reaction. It is a severe condition, that can be fatal if medical treatment isn't immediately sought. People experiencing anaphylaxis will have severe swelling in the face and throat. This will constrict the airway in a matter of minutes, making it nearly impossible to breathe. This is a different reaction than someone who only experiences swelling. With anaphylaxis the swelling will be severe and show up quickly. It's also accompanied by a drop in blood pressure that can put the person in anaphylactic shock which is fatal if not immediately treated.