Homeopathic Sinus Remedies
Nasal Irrigation
Nasal irrigation therapy is performed by rinsing the sinuses with a non-iodine salt and baking soda solution. The therapy has become widely used in England as an alternative to antibiotics and is effective in eliminating infection, according to Carol Potera and Maureen Shawn Kennedy in an article entitled "Home Sinus Remedy Makes a Comeback."
Inhaling Herbs
One treatment listed at Vaxa.com involves boiling a solution where the main ingredients are garlic and eucalyptus. The article recommends that the steam be inhaled twice daily for about three minutes at a time.
Kali Bich
Kali bich, or potassium bichromate, is considered one of the best homeopathic drugs for serious sinus infection at 1-800 Homeopathy. The site mentions that the treatment has the potency to loosen the most hardened yellow mucus.
Chicken Soup
An article in "Consumer Reports on Health" entitled "Home Remedies That Work" states that homemade chicken soup contains anti-inflammatories that are helpful in relieving sinus infection. According to the article, sipping the warm soup, as well as inhaling its steam, are both effective means of applying its healing powers.
Avoid Irritants
Avoiding environments that could potentially contain sinus irritants is key in ameliorating sinus inflammation. Stay clear of smokers or areas where large amounts of pollen or dust can be inhaled. If such places can't be avoided, wearing a surgical face mask may be of some help.