Chronic Allergy Symptoms
Most likely if your family has a history of allergies and/or asthma, it is likely that you may find yourself with an allergy or two. If your allergies seem to be lasting year round, it is likely that you suffer from chronic allergies. There are many different triggers that can keep those symptoms recurring. Pet dander, dust mites, pollens, mold and certain weather conditions can all be contributors to your suffering. If you are unsure what you are allergic to, it's a good idea to visit your allergist to get tested.
People react differently to allergens. If you are a chronic allergy sufferer, you may notice varying symptoms depending on to what trigger you are exposed. Clear, nasal congestion is a typical symptom, which can often accompany a cough. Some other common symptoms include, itchy, watery eyes; hives and skin irritations. Headaches and fatigue are also potential signs that your have a chronic allergy.
Indoor Prevention
Prevention is significant when dealing with chronic allergies. For your indoor allergies, it is a good idea to invest in a Hepa vacuum and air purifier. If you find dust mites and feathers keep you awake at night, cover your bed and pillow with protective covers.
Outdoor Prevention
Though it is difficult to protect yourself outdoors from the various allergens, there are some preventative measures you can take. Wear sunglasses when outside, to keep allergen from having contact with your eyes. There are also some natural treatments, such as Nasaleze and Chloraseptic Allergen Block Gel. These are both powerful ways to keep a barrier between you and potential allergens.
When prevention does not seem to stop your chronic allergy symptoms, it's time to see your doctor. There are many over-the-counter allergy pills and eye drops that are worth trying, but you may need to see your doctor for a stronger prescription.