Home Remedies for Quick Sinus Relief
What is Sinus Congestion
Sinus congestion affects many people who will have different symptoms; however, some things that can be done at home will often times relieve the different symptoms. Antibiotics are usually not needed as colds and allergies have to run their course. Discharge from the nasal passages due to colds and allergies will be yellow-green, along with sinus pressure, stuffy nose, runny nose, headache and low grade fever are symptoms of cold or allergy.
Nasal Sprays
Over the counter medications as in nasal sprays to relieve congestion and pressure are available for quick relief. The nasal sprays will reduce the swelling in the sinus passages, making it easier to breathe and to allow easier blowing of the nose to expel the extra mucous. These are to be used only according to package directions as they can be habit forming.
Pain Relievers
Pain relievers as in aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen help in reducing swelling of the sinus cavity as well as reducing the pain of a headache that is associated with colds and allergies. These also are to be taken only as directed. Decongestants in pill form are also available. Read package instructions to determine what type will be needed based on the symptoms.
Moist Air
Warm, moist air also relieves sinus pressure. Breathe the warm, moist air from a hot shower, use a humidifier to keep the air in the home moist or place a pan of water on the cook stove and heat it just to boiling. Remove the water from the stove and place a towel over the head and lean over the pan of water with the head covered and breathe in the warm air for 5 to10 minutes. This helps in loosening the mucous in order to expel it, while at the same time, reduces swelling of the sinus cavity.
Avoid any type of smoke as smoke dries and irritates the lining of nasal passages. Try to stay away from flowers, trees, weeds or pets, if allergic, to avoid sinus congestion.
Facial Masks
Warm a gel facial mask in the microwave according to package directions and place the facial mask over the eyes and lay down with the mask in place for 10 minutes. This is also a quick remedy for sinus relief.
Since many sinus sufferers will experience different types of symptoms, try different home remedies until the right one is found. All medications need to be taken only as directed.