Home Remedy for Dander Allergy Control
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation, which is one of the main responses of your immune system when you come in contact with an allergen. Sardines and salmon are high in omega-3, as are flaxseed oil and algae. You can also take supplements. An added bonus: Omega-3 can help control asthma symptoms.
Berries and cherries contain antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation. These can help control your allergy symptoms and may also improve your asthma.
Nasal Irrigation
Nasal irrigation helps by clearing irritants out of your sinuses. The neti pot is a small pot that is filled with a saline solution and poured into your nose. Your pour the solution into one nostril and it flows through your sinuses and out the other nostril. It may seem a little odd, but it is very effective and is helpful for asthma sufferers as well.
Stop Smoking
If you are a smoker, you might want to consider quitting. Smoking can lower your immune system and make allergies even worse. If you have asthma and smoke, you are compounding your problems.
Isolation of Your Pets
If you have a severe allergy to your cat or dog, but don't want to give them up, make your bedroom off-limits to them. This way, you will have a place you can go that is allergy-free. If you keep your pets off of the furniture, this will also help control your exposure to their dander.
Regular Vacuuming
If you vacuum your carpets and furniture once a week, it will help keep the dander under control. You may want to wear a mask while you do this, or ask a family member to do it.
Regular grooming and brushing of your dog will help keep shedding to a minimum. If you can't have a groomer do this, ask a family member to be responsible for it.