Symptoms of Buckwheat Allergy
Skin Rash
Skin rashes are a common symptom of an allergic reaction to buckwheat. A mild skin rash may be pink in color, hot to the touch and itch. Hydrocortisone cream can be used to ease the itching until the rash goes away. A more severe reaction may include hives. Hives (urticaria) are raised, pale, red bumps that last for up to a day. They will go away on their own but can be extremely itching. Sometimes, they may burn or sting. Cold compresses can be used to ease any discomfort while waiting for them to go away.
Swelling and bloating can occur with a skin rash or by themselves. If the swelling is in the face or throat, it can easily constrict the airways making it difficult to breathe. When swelling occurs, it can get worse quickly, and medical attention should be sought immediately.
Difficulty Breathing/Asthma
Like wheat allergies, buckwheat can make someone have trouble breathing. Difficulty breathing can be caused by swelling in the face or throat; however, it can also appear by itself. Wheezing and a panicked feeling may occur. If the person having the allergic reaction to buckwheat has asthma as well, it may induce a severe asthmatic attack.
Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis
Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is the inflammation of the membrane covering the white part of the eye. The symptoms are similar to conjunctivitis (pink eye), but unlike conjunctivitis, it is not caused by a virus and not contagious. Redness will appear on the white part of the eyes. The eyes will normally be itchy and produce an unusual amount of tears.
Anaphylaxis is the most severe symptom of a buckwheat allergy. Common in food allergies and insect stings, anaphylaxis can cause severe swelling in the face and throat and extreme trouble breathing and even put someone in anaphylactic shock. If medical attention is not immediately rendered, anaphylaxis can be fatal.