What Are the Symptoms of Soy Allergies in Babies?
Digestive symptoms of soy allergies in babies are the easiest to see and evaluate. They include diarrhea and vomiting. It is important that parents recognize that these symptoms are different from what may be considered normal bowel movements or excessive spitting up. Diarrhea in babies may be more watery and will be more often than normal for the baby. Vomiting will likely include all of the meal that the baby ate rather than spitting up a minimal amount.
Dermatitis is an itchy rash that may be on any part of the baby's skin. It will likely appear suddenly and cause the baby discomfort. He may squirm or an older baby may try to scratch at the area. This dermatitis may indicate that there is an allergy to soy.
A soy allergy may be confused with colic. When a baby is colicky, she will cry for what appears to be no reason. She may pass gas, draw her legs up to her belly, turn red in the face and cry for hours. Colic itself is a symptom of a potential soy allergy in babies, but colic does not necessarily indicate a soy allergy.
Some symptoms of soy allergies in babies can affect their breathing. They may develop a stuffy or runny nose. In more serious cases, they may begin wheezing or have a flare-up of asthma. In the most serious cases of any food allergies, a baby's throat may close entirely. This is uncommon with soy allergies but should be known by parents that suspect a soy allergy.
Ear Infection
An ear infection goes along with some of the potential breathing problems associated with symptoms of soy allergies in babies. When the passage is blocked, the ears cannot drain and can cause ear infection. This, along with other symptoms, may indicate a soy allergy in the baby.
Irritability is the most common word used to describe an overall unhappy baby. Some will call this colic. Others see it as discomfort. Regardless, an irritable baby will cry more than normal and may appear to be in pain. He will not be easily distracted in attempts to calm him down. Whenever a baby cannot be soothed, it warrants a trip to the doctor.
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