Oak Allergy Symptoms
You may experience congestion in your nasal passages and sinuses as a symptom of oak allergies, which can cause difficulty breathing through your nose.
Pressure in your head and sinuses may cause sinus headaches, which are a symptom of many types of allergies, including tree allergies.
You may develop itchiness on your face, skin and scalp if you come into contact with the pollen of oak trees on your skin or clothes.
Runny Nose
Your nose may become runny, even freely dripping at times, which is a symptom of pollen allergies including allergies to oak.
Oak pollen in the air may cause you to sneeze, and you may sneeze many times in a row, which may become painful if this occurs for a long duration of time.
Sore Throat
Your throat may become scratchy or sore as a result of inflammation caused by post nasal drip and direct exposure to oak tree pollen.