Side Effects of Neti Pots
One packet of saline powder is emptied into a cleaned neti pot and warm water is filled about three-quarters of the way up in the pot. New users should start with half a packet. The small spout end is place gently in one nostril, while the person tilts her head so that the nostril with the spout in it is directly above the other nostril. Essentially the head is sideways. The solution moves through the nasal passages and through parts of the sinus cavities, soothing dried out passages and removing debris. The person gently blows her nose and repeats the process in the other nostril.
Regular use of a neti pot can help improve sinus and nasal conditions. Since there are no chemicals or drugs in the mixture, it can be used multiple times a day. Regular use reduces the occurrence of discomfort such as solution running down the throat, sore nostril tips from the plastic spout, burning sensations, or stinging sensations. The saline solution, when used regularly, can help keep the passages moist and free of debris.
Side effects of neti pots are minimal and at the most may cause minor discomfort, especially for new users. Common side effects include: sore or chaffed nostrils due to placing the plastic spout in the nostrils; burning or stinging sensation felt in the nasal passages or sinuses; sore throat due to swallowing solution; sneezing or runny nose briefly after use, due to movement of solution through nasal passages; aftertaste from solution that may have gotten into mouth; saline-like smell present in nostrils for a few minutes after use.
Side effects can be prevented or at least minimized by doing a few things: use the neti pot regularly to allow your body to get used to it; use warm water, not hot water or cold water, adjusting temperature until you find a suitable range; don't use a full saline packet on each nostril at first, but start with half a packet; pour slowly and practice tilting your head before use to get the positioning just right; breathe out of your mouth while using the neti pot.
Do not use the neti pot with other substances and do not use the neti pot with hot water or cold water. Do not use less than half a packet per nostril, do not use more than one packet per nostril. Do not swallow the solution. When using the pot with small children use care or consider buying a specially designed one for small nostrils.