Pineapple Allergy Symptoms
Food allergies are common in a lot of people. Nuts, seafood and even fruit can be toxic when consumed by someone with a food allergy and pineapple is no different. For those allergic to pineapple, symptoms may occur immediately, but they can also take up to five days to show. If someone has an allergic reaction to food, a doctor should be contacted to confirm that it is in fact an allergy. After that diagnosis, the food should be avoided.-
Skin Rashes
Skin rashes are a common symptom for most food allergies. The rash can be a simple light pink skin rash that itches or it can be more severe. Hives and swelling are common with rashes caused by allergic reactions and may last several days.
Vomiting and Diarrhea
Vomiting and diarrhea are the body's natural way to get rid of toxins. However, if this symptom continues it can easily cause the body to become dehydrated. If dehydration is suspected, medical attention should be sought.
Constipation is a problem with the digestive system that makes it incredibly difficult for the person who is constipated to expel feces. While in time constipation will go away, it can be extremely uncomfortable. There are medications that can help relieve the blockage and a medical professional should be consulted if this symptom persists.
Trouble Breathing
Pineapple allergies can cause a person's face and throat to swell. This reaction can make it hard to breathe if the swelling cuts off the airway. People who are having allergic reactions to pineapple and are finding it hard to breathe should consult a physician immediately.
Anaphylaxis, a full-body allergic reaction, is one of the most dangerous allergic reactions someone can have. It's normally seen in insect stings and food allergies. If someone with a pineapple allergy is exposed to pineapple, anaphylaxis can oocur. This can cause extreme swelling in the face, throat and ears. Without medical attention, the person can go into shock and even die.
Lower abdomen cramps are a common symptom when someone is allergic to pineapple and ingests the fruit. While this can be very uncomfortable, it will usually subside on its own. If this symptom persists, a doctor should be consulted.