How to Cure Hay Fever
Cut out foods that cause hay fever. Foods containing caffeine, refined sugar and dairy wheat products exacerbate hay fever symptoms. People cure hay fever symptoms in as little as a week after cutting these items out of their diets.
Eat foods rich in vitamin C and calcium to cure hay fever. Many of these foods include citrus fruits, dark, leafy greens, yogurt with active cultures and soy milk.
Add honey to your diet. Either take 1 tsp. of honey daily before hay fever season or add honey to a drink made of boiled grapefruit and lemon. A report in The Times of London states that honey cures hay fever because the bee pollen in honey desensitizes the body to other pollens.
Consume peppers. The capsaicin found in chili peppers and red peppers opens nasal passages and reduces congestion caused by hay fever.
Chew raw onions. The Times of London report says that the chemical quercetin found in onions cures hay fever by enhancing the body's defenses.
Purchase a neti pot to cleanse the nasal passage as a natural cure for hay fever. Using this pot with herbs like chamomile or saline solutions twice a day cleans out the nasal passage and relieves breathing problems.
See an acupuncturist. A licensed practitioner knows where to place needles in order to cure hay fever and relieve nasal pressure.