Pet Dander Allergy Symptoms
What is Pet Dander?
Dogs, cats, smaller furry friends and even our pet birds produce dander. Simply put, dander is dead skin cells. When your pet shakes or scratches, these dead cells collect in their fur and feathers, triggering allergies. explains that the dead cells that fall from your pet's skin contain an allergy-causing protein that can also be found in the pet's saliva and urine.
Pets and Allergies
- reports that pet dander irritates the sinuses, causing congestion, sneezing and post-nasal drip. Your eyes may begin to water at the onset of an allergy attack, followed by coughing, headache, sore throat and sinus pain. If you have asthma, these symptoms may be intensified. You may even experience chest tightness, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Itching and hives are also symptoms of pet dander allergies.
Changes Around the House
The Allergy Relief Center suggests altering your environment to limit the amount of dander you are exposed to. Examples would be wearing a mask during pet grooming sessions and using shampoos that are specially designed to cut down on the amount of pet dander that is released into the environment. Also, keeping your pets off of the family furniture and out of the bedrooms can cut down immensely on the amount of pet dander trapped in the fabrics of your home and lessen pet dander allergy symptoms.
Purifying the Air
Since pet dander is an airborne allergen, using an air purifier can improve your home's air quality and reduce your pet dander allergy symptoms. Also, regular carpet cleanings and daily vacuuming will decrease the likelihood that pet dander will settle and build up in carpet fibers. Using a vacuum that contains a high-efficiency HEPA filter and a micro-lined allergen filtration vacuum bag is also recommended for pet dander allergy sufferers. These specially lined bags and filter will trap the dander allergens and prevent them from escaping back into the environment while you vacuum.
Medical Treatments
If you are suffering from pet dander allergy symptoms, your physician may be able to help. Drug therapy is available that can help ease your allergy suffering, but you may have to do some experimenting. While there are prescription medications that relieve symptoms, if you do not have a prescription insurance plan, the medications can be pricey. There are some over-the-counter remedies that may work just as well. If your pet dander allergy symptoms are extreme, you may have to opt for allergy desensitizing injections. These shots are usually given once a week in the early stages of therapy, and then monthly once you have built up your immunities.