Food Dye Allergy Symptoms in Children
A rash of itchy, red welts, called hives, can result when a child eats a food or takes a medicine containing a dye he is allergic to.
The skin condition eczema, which typically manifests as itchy patches of dry skin, can occur when eating a food dye you are allergic to.
Runny Nose
A runny nose and itchy eyes can develop when a child eats food dyes that cause an allergic reaction.
Studies have shown that food dye allergies can cause symptoms of hyperactivity disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Upset Stomach
Some children experience nausea or an upset stomach when ingesting food dyes they are allergic to.
In rare cases, a child can have an anaphylactic reaction to food dyes. This is a life-threatening allergic reaction that can cause swelling of the airways and a drop in blood pressure. Immediate medical attention is necessary in the event of anaphylaxis.