Signs & Symptoms of a Refined Sugar Allergy
If a person finds himself in a constant state of movement, or never being able to keep still, this could be a sign of the body's intolerance to sugar. Often characterized as a "hyper" effect from the sugar, this is actually the body's inability to process it.
The person may find herself always tired or winded for no apparent reason. She will lack the energy to perform any task requiring heavy lifting or prolonged standing.
A chemical reaction occurs in the brain resulting in feelings of loss and sadness. These emotions arise even if the person seems to having a good day.
Trouble Thinking
The person's head will seem cloudy, making it hard for him to think or concentrate on the task at hand. He will often say he feels "out of it" and not know why.
Diabetes is a big concern for people with this allergy. The excess of refined sugars cause the adrenal glands and pancreas to work overtime, bringing down the sugar levels in the blood.
Alternative sweeteners, ones that mimic sugar's taste without having its downside, are highly recommended. They come in a variety of brands and put much less strain on the body during digestion.