Can Allergies Cause Hair Loss?
Pollen and Dander Allergies
Inhaling or ingesting the pollens, dust and pet dander that rides with wind can cause a variety of symptoms from a stuffy nose to watery eyes. They can also cause hives or a rash on the skin, including the head. If scratched, the hair around the rash may fall out, but should regrow once the rash is gone.
Food Allergies
Hair loss caused by food allergies is most commonly associated with dogs and cats, but humans can also have this symptom. It is related to an outside rash caused by the ingestion of the food or even just contact with the skin.
Cosmetic Allergies
Women who wear lots of hair spray, mousse or other hair care product may find their hair falling out if they are allergic to any of the ingredients in the products. In this case, the hair follicles may actually be dying because of the contact with the allergen.
All Natural Ingredients
Hair products may contain natural ingredients such as lavender or fruit extract to make the product smell better or for its rejuvenation of hair. People with certain food allergies should be aware of this and make sure to examine the ingredients before they accidentally expose their hair to possible allergens.
Contact Allergies
Any object can possibly be an allergen, depending on the body's reaction to coming into contact with the substance. Latex, metals and plastics may cause allergies in some people with a rash that can lead to hair loss.