How to Interpret Latex Allergy Blood Test Results

Rubber latex is commonly used in most rubber products. It is widely used due to it being more cost effective to produce as compared to the synthetic type. It is the natural rubber latex that causes an allergic reaction in humans. To find out if you are allergic to latex, a blood sample must be taken and examined by an immunologist. When you are finished you will get your results which lists your Immunoglobin E (lgE) levels on Latex and other possible allergens. Immunoglobins help fight foreign objects or organisms that enter our body.


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      Look for the word "latex" on part of your allergy panel lab results. If it is outside the normal range then an allergy to latex is present. The normal range, however, should be close to IgE .002 to .2 mg/dl.

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      Look at the other IgE levels besides latex, which comes bundled with all allergen blood tests. Sometimes other components combined with latex can cause reactions. Or if you did not react allergically to latex, then you can find out the alternative cause of your allergy.

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      Check to see that there are irregularities with your allergen ranges. If all your results exceed the normal range, then there is an error. A patient cannot be allergic to more than 20 different types of allergens.

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      Ensure that the test result is listed under your name. It's an uncommon mistake that blood specimens get mixed up, but it happens from time to time in the clinical laboratory.

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      Consult an immunologist to interpret your results. It is always good to receive more than one reading for a result, as different hospitals follow different guidelines of normal IgE ranges.

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