Symptoms of Almond Allergies

Almonds produce the mildest reaction of all tree nut allergies. It is possible to develop an allergic reaction to almonds later in life. But children who are allergic rarely outgrown this particular allergy. Unlabeled foods and health care products may contain almond components resulting in an unexpected reaction to allergy sufferers.
  1. Types

    • Reactions may be mild. Symptoms include itchy mouth, hives or skin rash. Severe allergic reactions can quickly develop into breathing trouble, wheezing and swelling of the tongue and/or throat. Severest reactions include a drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.


    • An allergic reaction to almonds begins with a tingling sensation in the mouth. Shortly after, abdominal cramps or diarrhea may occur. If a person feels that they are having an allergic reaction to almonds, they should take Benadryl or Claritin. Should the reaction escalate to shortness of breath, wheezing or swelling of tongue or throat, administer an epinephrine (Epi-Pen) and call 911.

    Time Frame

    • Depending on the person, sufferers may develop symptoms in minutes or several hours later.


    • Speak to a doctor and see a board certified allergist. If allergic to almonds, it is most likely that a person will be allergic to other nuts.


    • Always read food labels and personal products such as shampoos and suntan lotion. Manufacturers occasionally change product ingredients sometimes before changing the labeling. If uncertain, call the manufacturer directly.

    Expert Insight

    • According to, "medicinally, externally applied Almond oil is an emollient; internally applied, a laxative, nutritional substitute and supplement (particularly in cases of diabetes), and a remedy for nervous system disorders such as whooping cough and spasmodic troubles."

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