Baby Formula Allergy Symptoms
If a baby's system is unable to process the formula, he may simply vomit it back up. This symptom may be hard to distinguish from normal spitting up, but regular vomiting should be reported to a doctor because it can quickly cause dehydration.
Although it is not uncommon for babies to have diarrhea from time to time, persistent diarrhea can be a sign of a milk allergy. This is another symptom that can cause rapid dehydration and should be reported to a physician.
Abdominal Pain
A baby may experience abdominal pain, which can cause extreme fussiness or long periods of inconsolable crying.
A rash may be an indication of a milk allergy, especially if it accompanies any of the other symptoms.
Blood in the Stool
Although not one of the more common symptoms, blood in the stool may be an indication of a milk allergy.