What Ingredients in Lotion will Fade Age Spots & Scars?
Hydroquinone and Alpha Hydroxy Acid
There are a number of lotions and creams readily available that will lighten age spots and reduce the presence of scars. Many are referred to as bleaching creams, especially those used for fading age spots. A key ingredient to look for is hydroquinone and alpha hydroxy acid. Prescription hydroquinone is available and stronger, with quicker results.
Retin A, Vitamin A and Vitamin E
Retin A, in cream or gel form, is another ingredient used to fade age spots and soften scars. Creams and lotions used to make both age spots and scars paler include vitamin A, vitamin E and zinc.
Extrapone Nutgrass Root and Shea Butter
Extrapone nutgrass root is said to be the most efficient and useful natural ingredient used in several skin care products to help fade age spots. Shea butter is also used to treat both scars and age spots.
Aloe vera in pure capsule form or as an ingredient in lotion is extremely effective in fading scars and lightening age spots.
Onion Extract
Onion extract appears to be the miraculous ingredient in some lotions for the treatment of scars. Lotions with this ingredient smooth, soften and make a scar appear less visible.
Sunflowers, safflower, almond, vegetable and lemongrass oils and cinnamon are used to lighten age spots and treat scars. These ingredients are found together or singularly is some lotions and creams.